"I have had the pleasure of working with Kimberly over a four year period, much of that time as her clinical supervisor. From the outset I was, and remain, impressed with her ability to meld her considerable personal warmth, engaging manner, unassailable ethical standards, and her clinical creativity with her bedrock knowledge and skills and a straightforward, practical approach which has produced outstanding outcomes.

Once her supervisor, I am now proud to count her as a friend and colleague."

             - Marvin St Clair, MSW, LCSW


"I just wanted to share that your warm and attentive presence made me very comfortable talking about myself. Thank you for sharing your experience and information.”

             - Anonymous Client


"I wanted to share a breakthrough I had over the weekend considering some things you’d mentioned at our Friday meeting. Based on some of the things you brought up, I successfully ventilated the toxic atmosphere at work, at least for this morning!

Just wanted to share this happy event. Thank you very much for your compassion and listening skills. You’ve helped me quite a bit."

             - Anonymous Client